December 2024, no. 142

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Hydrodynamics in Ship Design
Kennisprogramma Natte Kunstwerken
Hydrodynamics in Ship Design
Floating Wind Solutions
MARIN will be present at the following events. Let’s meet up again soon!

SafeTrans version 10: design your transports and operations more efficiently
Earlier this year, MARIN released SafeTrans v10 as a web-based software. SafeTrans is a state-of-the art, cloud-based, integrated tool to optimise the design, verification and operation of marine heavy-lift transports and offshore installations.
Originally launched in 2001 as a Windows 95 application, SafeTrans has been regularly updated by MARIN with input from its dedicated user-group of 15 companies. After three years of development and testing, SafeTrans v10 is now used by its user-group and for consultancy projects.
The latest version combines the same elements that made it a success: a comprehensive MetOcean database, advanced hydrodynamic modelling of ship motions, and innovative voyage simulations with realistic weather avoidance. The new web-based system makes it easy to set up for clients, grow as needed, and share results better, while the interface includes post-processing for streamlined reporting.
Additionally, SafeTrans v10 now supports linking and sequential execution of multiple offshore installation or transport tasks. This is particularly suitable for designing (de)commissioning offshore operations.
Do you want to learn more about SafeTrans latest release? Contact Paul Bruggeman and visit the safetrans-user-group.

MARIN is part of the TO2 federation, a partnership of five top Dutch institutes for applied research: Deltares, MARIN, NLR, TNO and WUR.
Together, these TO2 institutes bridge the gap between knowledge and innovative impact and help to develop a thriving innovation ecosystem, built around the 'golden triangle' of government, business and knowledge institutions. They support companies to innovate successfully and contribute to solutions for societal challenges.
Every year, the TO2 institutes publish their impact report: 'TO2MORROW'. In this digital magazine, they present some of their recent achievements following the main themes of the government's mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy: Energy transition and sustainability, Agriculture, Water and food, Health and care, Safety and Security, and Key Enabling Technologies.
TO2MORROW 2024 has just been published. MARIN is of course present with various articles. You can view or download the impact report – in Dutch or English – on
Grin, R., Koning, J., Polo, J., Kaufmann, R., Takeda, K., Yanagimoto, F., Ishibashi, K., et al, International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, Wuxi, China, Oct 14, 2024

Ye, M., Chen, H.-C., Koop, A., Ocean Engineering, Volume 314, December 15, 2024

Lowe, T., Smits, A. J., Visonneau, M., Deng, G., Ding, L., Guilmineau, E., Sandberg, R., Toxopeus, S. L., et al, Journal of Turbulence, Volume 25, Pages 386-398, August 28, 2024

October 2024, no. 141
Hydrodynamics in Ship Design
Kennisprogramma Natte Kunstwerken
Hydrodynamics in Ship Design
Floating Wind Solutions
MARIN will be present at the following events. Let’s meet up again soon!

Create a MARIN account to stay updated

MARIN presentation on the TopTier project’s results during the CCC (10) plenary meeting.

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This year, the Blue Forum and the Vessel Operator Forum joined forces to organise the 12th edition of the BlueWeek in Italy.
More than 200 delegates from over 20 countries participated in the BlueWeek that was hosted by ACTV, the Venetian public transportation company, and VELA. All the seminars and project meetings took place in the Arsenale of Venice.
Delegates were delighted to have the privilege to visit the MOSE installation that protects the city and the laguna from rising water levels.
As well as the seminars on Renewable Marine Energy, Maritime Spatial Planning & Multi-use (co-organised with the European Blue Forum), Infrastructure & Operations, Natural Propulsion and Zero Emission Technologies, several project meetings took place during the week: Top Tiers, FC-series, WISP2 and the members meeting of the IWSA. We also kicked-off two new projects, the Tripping JIP, which attracted 11 participants, and the third phase of wind propulsion JIP - WISP3 - with a total of 28 participants. Those new initiatives are still open for additional participants.
The 2025 edition will be held in April and hosted by MARIN at its Wageningen HQ. For the latest updates, presentations and news, please check
SafeTrans version 10: design your transports and operations more efficiently

MARIN is part of the TO2 federation, a partnership of five top Dutch institutes for applied research: Deltares, MARIN, NLR, TNO and WUR.
Together, these TO2 institutes bridge the gap between knowledge and innovative impact and help to develop a thriving innovation ecosystem, built around the 'golden triangle' of government, business and knowledge institutions. They support companies to innovate successfully and contribute to solutions for societal challenges.
Every year, the TO2 institutes publish their impact report: 'TO2MORROW'. In this digital magazine, they present some of their recent achievements following the main themes of the government's mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy: Energy transition and sustainability, Agriculture, Water and food, Health and care, Safety and Security, and Key Enabling Technologies.
TO2MORROW 2024 has just been published. MARIN is of course present with various articles. You can view or download the impact report – in Dutch or English – on

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Ye, M., Chen, H.-C., Koop, A., Ocean Engineering, Volume 314, December 15, 2024

Grin, R., Koning, J., Polo, J., Kaufmann, R., Takeda, K., Yanagimoto, F., Ishibashi, K., et al, International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, Wuxi, China, Oct 14, 2024

Lowe, T., Smits, A. J., Visonneau, M., Deng, G., Ding, L., Guilmineau, E., Sandberg, R., Toxopeus, S. L., et al, Journal of Turbulence, Volume 25, Pages 386-398, August 28, 2024